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The lady behind the till asked if I'd fallen into a cactus

Hi Reader 👋 Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! This email is also a post on X. Let's connect on there if we haven't already. The lady behind the till asked if I'd fallen into a cactus 🌵 I don’t take much care of my garden and you’ll quite often find the grass up to your knees. But there aren’t any cactuses growing there. It’s football season in the UK. My neighbour had kicked their ball over my fence and it rolled behind my...

Hi Reader 👋 Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! I'm trying harder to find my "voice" with this newsletter. Part of that is writing more in the style of how I chat to people on 𝕏. The other part is including a handwritten version of this newsletter. If you'd like to download the handwritten PDF with some extra notes, you can get it here: AI SOPs.pdf Now, onto the newsletter! How I’m using AI to write SOPs You’re tasked with upgrading servers at work, but you’re no expert. You dive in...

Hi Reader 👋 Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! It started like any other typical day. A late start, fussy toddler, the dog barking the house down, and my daily stand-up meeting going on in the background. And just when you think you’re on top of it all and about to leave the house to go to nursery, the dog knocks a full glass of water on to the floor. The importance of routine I need one. I’m late to nearly everything if it’s...

Hi Reader đź‘‹ Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! If you've been subscribed to this newsletter for a while, you've probably seen me talk about calendar apps. You're spoilt for choice with calendar apps on the Mac and iPhone. But what about Windows? Maybe even Linux if you're extra nerdy? There are apps out there but they're always ugly and clunky. It's 2024, I want beautiful and seamless apps! And I think I've finally found one....

Hi Reader 👋 Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! The flu knocked me out over the Easter break. Getting sick sucks, but it’s always an excellent chance to relearn some lessons on wellness and productivity. Here are my takeaways after being stuck in bed for a few days. Working Evenings I’ll be the first to admit that I push myself too far sometimes. It’s probably why I got so sick with this flu. Between handling a 9-to-5 job,...

Hi Reader 👋 Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! Two weeks ago, I set up a new, recurring meeting at my day job. It’s a bi-monthly meeting between the Engineering and Customer Success departments. Anyone who knows me will know I hate pointless meetings. I’m fully ready for you to reply to this and tell me why meetings are the downfall of productivity! And I’ll probably agree. I will try to explain why this meeting is valuable...

Hi Reader 👋 Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! Imagine having a band where every member is playing from a different sheet of music. The result can be best described as a cacophony. My dad would probably think it’s jazz. Last week, I went to an Emma Stevens gig and she invited my guitarist friend on stage to play. He asked the bass player what key they were in and was told E flat. Due to the lack of in-ear monitors, it took...

Hi Reader 👋 Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! If you’re anything like me, you’re trying to build a business on the side of your 9–5. And if work-life balance feels like a struggle, you’re not alone. Don’t Quit Your Day Job When people think about the entrepreneurial journey, they often think of someone quitting their job and going all in on their business. I can only write about what I know. So if you’re in your 30s with a...

Hi Reader đź‘‹ Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! Last week, I signed up to Medium and said goodbye to đť•Ź đź‘‹ Well, I uninstalled đť•Ź off my phone and stopped paying for Premium. Investing in Medium was more than just a change of platform, it was a commitment to support fellow creators like you! And I get to immerse myself in a community passionate about long-form writing. I decided I needed a digital writing sanctuary. Somewhere...

Hi Reader 👋 Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Saturday! I’ve been dreaming of an app that could neatly bundle up the chaos of my professional and personal life into a tidy, user-friendly package. And now I’ve found it! (If this doesn’t sound like you, feel free to skip this email) Tired of Digital Chaos? Our digital world is like trying to keep up with a three-year-old, hopping between ClickUp accounts, Notion, Slack, and Gmail. And...