The lady behind the till asked if I'd fallen into a cactus

Hi Reader 👋

Thanks for joining me on this productivity newsletter venture. Hope you're having an amazing Sunday!

This email is also a post on X. Let's connect on there if we haven't already.

The lady behind the till asked if I'd fallen into a cactus 🌵

I don’t take much care of my garden and you’ll quite often find the grass up to your knees.

But there aren’t any cactuses growing there.

It’s football season in the UK. My neighbour had kicked their ball over my fence and it rolled behind my garden studio.

When I reached down to grab the ball, I fell.

It wasn’t a gracious fall. I’m 6 ft and 14 and a half stone!

I didn’t want to get a face full of thorns so I used my hand to steady myself on the studio exterior.

It’s clad in rough wood.

My hand scraped along the panelling and ~10 splinters found their way into my palm.

I took quick trip to the pharmacy to get tweezers and antiseptic spray. The lady behind the till seemed amused when I explained that I hadn’t fallen into a cactus and told her what had actually happened.

Now, this series of events is a bit embarrassing.

But I’m always one for seeing the good in situations and it got me thinking about sales.

  • I needed specific items.
  • I knew straight away where I could buy them from.
  • And once I was at the store, I found the pointiest set tweezers so that my afternoon of splinter removal as easy as possible.

That’s how I think we all want our clients to find us.

  1. They have a pain.
  2. We are top of mind to solve that pain.
  3. And we have the specific solutions to help them.

A lot of this comes down to making content specific for your target client.

For me that looks like creating ClickUp content and showing ways to automate your work so you have more time to play with your kids.

The idea is to build an authority in your niche and be top-of-mind when your potential clients need something.

That’s why I write this newsletter.

That, and I really enjoy connecting with you outside of social media 😊

I shouldn’t be falling over as a 35 year old man. And as a responsible parent, I should already own tweezers and antiseptic spray.

Now I own both and I’m a better person for it.

P.S. I’ve put together a free resource of the top 5 ClickUp docs I use each week. Get my free templates here

Thanks for reading. Reply to this email if you have any questions or comments.

Have a great Sunday!


Need help with ClickUp? Click here to book your free 15-minute call, or reach out to me on 𝕏 @productive_will

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Helping you save time and find clarity through productivity tools and workflows 🚀

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